gloriafood updates november 2023
by Laura-Andreea Voicu

We had a flurry of updates for you in November, including a brand-new video tutorial, a couple of admin navigation panel enhancements, a GloriaFood success story, and plenty of how-tos and guides on the blog. Let’s get into it!

New Video – How Does the Online Food Ordering System Work: Short Tutorial

In our latest video tutorial, we walk you through the smooth, real-time ordering flow you can expect if you install our free online ordering system. No calls to confirm the order, no busy lines, and no misunderstandings. Check it out!

Consent needed

Promotion Stats moved to Reports

We’ve moved the Promotion Stats section to the Reports tab of the admin panel, in the Online ordering section.

promotion stats

From there, you can filter data using the pre-defined time frames, switch the data between chart and table format, as well as export the table data as a CVS or XLS file.

promotion stats 2

Print order button added to List View section

Whenever you go to Reports -> List View -> Orders and expand an order, you will see the Print order button on the top right side.

reports list view - print order

This gathers both the order details and client details in one screen. It also enables you to print the order details for when you need to provide them as evidence for chargeback cases.

New Success Story: Street Food Bistro

street food bistro success story

The newest GloriaFood success story takes us to Scotland, UK, where Street Food Bistro serves mouth-watering burgers, French toast, breakfast rolls, and fabulous cakes in their 2 trailer locations: Wishaw and Carluke.

Read their story

New GloriaFood Blog Articles

See you next time!

Next roundup: What’s New with GloriaFood Roundup: December 2023

photo of GloriaFood blog writer Laura-Andreea Voicu
Laura-Andreea Voicu

Laura-Andreea Voicu is an experienced content writer with a knack for marketing and SEO. She creates guides and resources designed to help restaurants grow their presence online and boost sales.

She has been featured on the Oracle Food and Beverage Blog and wrote for Search Engine Journal, Clutch, Sender, Venngage, Quickbooks, and many more.

Find me on LinkedIn.